We have numerous resources available to help you understand our guiding principles as well as to give you a better understanding of what this great game of flag football is all about.


This section will help you understand the values and principles that we govern this organization by.

1. Merchandise Inquiry FormAre you missing any equipment? Something doesn't fit right? Whatever your concern may be, with any of our merchandise that was purchased from our store or through the registration process, we can assist you. 

3. Financial AID: We have numerous resources to help families in need pay for flag football.

4. Frequently Asked Questions 
– So fill me in! Tell me what I should know about this league.

5. Jersey Sizing Chart - Not sure how our uniforms fit? No worries, this chart should help you out.

We hope so! There is no greater bond that you will form with your child then through coaching them in youth sports. We will walk you through everything that you will need to be a successful coach in this program. No experience is necessary. Just great moms & dads that are willing to learn, and pass on their understanding of the game to a bunch of eager little boys and girls who are looking to a have great time playing the game of flag football.

1.  Background Check Procedure – Every coach must pass a background check. Click here to see what’s involved in this process.

2.  Coaches Code of Conduct – Just to make sure our philosophies are in line with each other, here are our policies in regards to coaching etiquette in this league.

3.  Abuse/Molestation Policy – Volunteering to coach is a serious responsibility. It is our job to help you understand all aspects of this position so that you are always observant and aware of possible dangers.

4.  NFL FLAG Football Concussion Training (Click Here) – To coach in our program, every coach must understand the dangers and warning signs of concussions. Therefore, it is required to that you take and pass the NFL FLAG Football Concussion Training which is based on the CDC Heads Up Concussion test. It's a 30 minute video with a quiz at the end of each chapter. To take this test, you must be registered to coach in our program.  Please click on teh hyperlink,  enter the season in which you are participating and enter your email.  Once the test is completed, your profile will automatically update and you will be one step closer to being a NFL FLAG Football Volunteer Coach. 

5.    Coaching Tips and Principles – Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the purpose of our responsibilities as a coach. Here are some basic understandings of what we are looking for from a quality coach in this program.

This section is designed to assist coaches with their understanding of the game of flag football.

1. MOJO APP - We have created the perfect app for coach development. Whether you've never coached flag football or are a seasoned veteran, this app has everything that you need to be successful this season including a practice itinerary, a video library of 1 minute easy to teach and learn drills, and a playbook to run your plays. In addition, you may use the chat function, scheduling capabilities and more! 

2.  Drill Book – Here you will find numerous drills that you can use during your practices. Try incorporating a few of these into each practice that you hold.

3.  Sample Playbook – There are numerous plays that you could come up with. Really, its limited by your imagination. However, when developing your own playbook, please keep in mind your player’s skill sets as a playbook should be customized individually or tweaked for each team that you coach.

4.   NFL FLAG Rulebook – This is the official rulebook of the National Flag Football League.

5.   National Flag Football Video Library - Teaching drills, ideas, concepts, strategies, plays, and a whole lot more!

6.   Touchdown for Tots Guide - TD for Tots is only available for PK and young 5's. We recommend all first-year players that are ages 4 and 5 chose this option. This program consists of a 6 week session with a 1-hour commitment each week.


This section provides all users of the NFF website and those registering and/or receiving services from NFF with the governing National Flag Football Terms and Conditions, National Flag Football Privacy Policy and all other required Waivers and Policies governing the NFF Website and NFF’s services.  NFF requires all Parents/Guardians registering their child/ward to receive services from NFF to read and agree to all the National Flag Football Terms and Conditions, National Flag Football Privacy Waiver and all other Waivers and Policies included in this section as an express condition of registration. 

1.    RCX Sports Leagues Release and Waiver

2.   NFL FLAG Player Waiver

3.    RCX Sports Leagues Terms & Conditions


Below we have included some thought-provoking topics that we wanted to share with you. 

1. How adults take the joy out of youth sports (CHANGING THE GAME PROJECT) by John O'Sullivan

2. What are Eli Manning 's thoughts about flag football? 

Contact Us

National Headquarters

2240 Greer Blvd 
Keego Harbor, Michigan 48320

Phone : 877-866-FLAG
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